IRS Tax Debt Can Affect Your Passport

Tax Debt Articles

IRS Tax Debt Can Affect Your Passport

IRS Tax Debt Can Affect Your Passport

In August 2019, the IRS began systematically revoking passports through the United States State Department for anyone that owes the Internal Revenue Service more than $52,000 in tax debt, penalties, and interest. If the IRS has filed a tax lien, the person is at a higher risk for passport action. If the IRS shows a legally enforceable federal tax debt, the IRS process involves the State Department denying passport applications/renewals or revoking existing passports. Of the cases referred to the State Department, statistics show that 98.6% of tax debt cases end in passport revocation or passport application or renewal denial.

J David Tax Law’s Experience with the IRS and Passports

The tax attorneys at J David Tax Law in Jacksonville, FL have represented recent tax debt cases where Americans traveling overseas were hit with passport revocation while outside the United States. In the last year, our tax attorneys have also represented cases where individuals that booked expensive travel plans could not keep them due to the State Department preventing the issuance of a passport due to tax debt.

These scenarios can be frustrating to scary depending on the circumstances involved. In several of the IRS passport revocation cases we’ve represented over the past year, the individual did not receive a prior notice that the passport was about to be revoked. That is most likely due to the individual moving and not filing taxes since the relocation, so the IRS did not have updated records. The IRS is only under one obligation for notification of any tax debt, which includes passport revocation. The obligation is limited to sending correspondence to the last known address the IRS has on file.

How We Can Help with Tax Debt and Passport Issues

We can help if you have tax debt above $52,000 and are concerned about your passport status. It is best for you to seek assistance prior to the passport revocation or renewal denial. However, in circumstances where you have already lost your passport, we are able to get it reinstated in days to weeks. If you have imminent travel, we can also work out agreements for you. Some of the options our tax attorneys in Jacksonville, FL often employ for passport release or approval are Affordable IRS Repayment Plans, Offer in Compromise, and Negotiated Non-Collectible Status.

The tax attorneys at J David Tax Law in Jacksonville, FL are highly experienced in fighting the IRS in complex personal and/or business tax debt cases to achieve successful tax resolution outcomes. It is our core focus. Call (904) 674-3268 to receive a no-cost, no-obligation consultation. Peace of mind is only a click or phone call away.

Meet Jonathan David Sooriash

Meet Jonathan David Sooriash

He is the founder and Managing Partner of J. David Tax Law®. He is the winner of the 2019 Ultimate Tax Attorney awarded by the Jacksonville Business Journal. This award recognizes law firms and attorneys who show exemplary professional talent and skill while demonstrating superior client care, leadership, charitable concern, and civic engagement. Jonathan graduated from Chapman University School of Law. He has practiced law since 2011.

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