Category: Cryptocurrency

Category: Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency Conclusion: How Crypto Gets Reported for Taxation by the Exchanges

Cryptocurrency Conclusion: How Crypto Gets Reported for Taxation by the Exchanges

This last article in our series on cryptocurrency focuses on how to address cryptocurrency gains and losses and the potential tax liabilities it may bring. We also cover the various ways your transactions are reported by the crypto exchanges to...

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Cryptocurrency Continued: Currency in Computer Code

Cryptocurrency Continued: Currency in Computer Code

As discussed in our previous article, investors and cryptocurrency experts alike believe that tokens will one day be a widely accepted form of recognized currency. In this new era, you would make purchases and earn income in tokens like Bitcoin....

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An Introduction to Cryptocurrency

An Introduction to Cryptocurrency

By now, you have undoubtedly heard about some kind of cryptocurrency tokens; Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and even Dogecoin appeared on Saturday Night Live recently. With wildly different prices, these cryptocurrency tokens share the same underlying technology which is the same...

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