Category: Tax Resolutions

Category: Tax Resolutions

An Introduction to Cryptocurrency

An Introduction to Cryptocurrency

By now, you have undoubtedly heard about some kind of cryptocurrency tokens; Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and even Dogecoin appeared on Saturday Night Live recently. With wildly different prices, these cryptocurrency tokens share the same underlying technology which is the same...

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Employment Taxes & IRS Trust Fund Recovery Penalty

Employment Taxes & IRS Trust Fund Recovery Penalty

If it is your responsibility to collect and pay employment taxes, this article is a must-read. Each time you pay your employees, you are responsible for withholding a percentage of the pay for Medicare and Social Security contributions, also known...

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Jacksonville Truckers: Get Help with Downtime Losses & Back Taxes

Jacksonville Truckers: Get Help with Downtime Losses & Back Taxes

Author: Attorney Kelsea Eckert Death and taxes are two of the guarantees in life. But shouldn’t collecting money that’s due to you also be a guarantee? What can you do to improve the odds of getting back what’s rightfully yours?...

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